Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Student Rush Is Back!

The Penguins are going to continue the Student Rush Program this upcoming season.

In a Q&A session with Penguins President David Morehouse, a fan asked if the program would still be intact. Morehouse responded with...

"Obviously, with the recent surge in ticket sales, there won't be as much ticket inventory available this year. That's a good problem to have, of course. But continuing the Student Rush program is so important to us that we will hold aside a minimum of 200 tickets for the Student Rush every game. To avoid having students be disappointed by standing in long lines when there is not much inventory, we'll actually have a text message program, where students can sign up for Student Rush alerts. And they'll be on a list where they'll have a chance to be selected for Student Rush. When there is additional inventory available, we will have our traditional Student Rush program - tickets that go on sale one hour before game time. "

Details of the text message program were not available.

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